Photo Credit : Paul Albertella

Photo Credit : D'Arcy Norman

Photo Credit : K Kinjo

Photo Credit : Maggie W.
Photo Credit : Maggie W.
Photo Credit : tawest64
The act of trick or treating dates back to medieval
times when the poor went door-to-door on Hallowmas
and received food in exchange for prayers for the dead.
It was not until the 1930's, that Halloween costumes and
trick-or-treating became popular in the United States.
Orange and black are the traditional colors of Halloween;
orange represents the fall harvest while black represents
the dark. In 2009 Halloween costume sales exceeded six
billion dollars with adult costumes making up 62% of sales.
Though trick-or-treating remains popular in more rural
areas and suburbs many urbanites have decided to host parties
with treats for guests. Candy sales for Halloween are
expected to exceed two billion dollars with Candy Corn
usually taking top honors.
Have a fun and safe Halloween.
Trick or Treat ?
Bill Palmer